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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs | True Blue Termite and Pest Control

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

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You might be noticing some signs of a bed bug problem: mosquito-like bites on you or a family member’s skin when you wake up in the morning, small bloodstains on your sheets, or small black or brown spots where the bed bugs have left fecal matter behind. Even on their own, these symptoms are an annoyance. But with the larger infestation that they imply, you might very well be wondering how to get rid of bed bugs.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

There are a number of home remedies for how to get rid of bed bugs if you think they have gotten into other things like clothing, sheets, or some other easily contained items. In this case, you might be able to heat or cold treat them, depending on the temperatures in your area.

That being said, sometimes these home remedies are not completely effective, and they can be damaging to your bedding materials, or you may be dealing with unwieldy items like mattresses that can’t easily be maneuvered or dealt with during a home remedy.

In these cases, the best method for how to get rid of bed bugs is to call us. We use effective chemical treatments to ensure that your belongings don’t suffer any heat damage while we take care of your infestation. With our chemical treatment, we completely eliminate the infestation, so no bed bugs can remain and lay eggs again, and with that, you’ll be able to sleep comfortably and healthily once again.