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Termite Control: How to Keep Termites Out of Your Home | True Blue Termite and Pest Control

Termite Control: How to Keep Termites Out of Your Home

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Our team at True Blue Termite and Pest Control wants to help you do what’s best for your home, and that includes helping you deal with and prevent any termite problems that may arise. While our experts can provide the effective termite removal services you need to get rid of an infestation, we prefer to use termite control methods to keep these insects out of your home in the first place. If you want to stop termites from getting into your home, you can try these home methods to supplement our professional treatments.

Termite Control: How to Keep Termites Out of Your Home

  • Deal with Humidity- One thing that attracts termites to your home is excessive humidity or moisture, so one effective strategy for termite control is to remove this moisture from your indoor environment. You can do this by investing in a dehumidifier or by running your air conditioning periodically during the humid summer to remove moisture from your indoor air supply.
  • Remove Clutter- Another method you can use for termite control is getting rid of clutter such as old papers or magazines, as they create an attractive environment for termites. In addition, if a room in your home has been affected by termites, don’t take anything from that room into other parts of the house until it has been properly treated to get rid of these nasty insects.
  • Repair Leaks- A third way you can keep termites out of your home is by keeping an eye out for leaky pipes and getting them repaired promptly. This will prevent the surrounding area from suffering water damage, which will prevent any rot from forming and attracting termites.